Welcome to a platform to share Gurbani Kirtan, pictures, and more
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
A warm welcome to this website. To subscribers of my Youtube channel Kirtan Sewa, and also new visitors to this website, thank you all for the dedicated support and love.
I hope to use this platform as an extension to the Youtube channel to share the collection of Kirtan that Guru Ji has blessed me with along with photos and information about various Kirtaniye.
As you may know, I have been uploading Kirtan recordings on my Youtube channel, and have for many years sought to create a platform where all of it can come together. I am grateful to Waheguru Ji and all those individuals who have helped in making this a possibility. The website is still a work in progress and we welcome any suggestions and help in making improvements to it that may benefit the users.
We hope you enjoy and take full ‘laaha’ of all the Gurbani Kirtan that we have uploaded onto this site. For anyone who wishes to contribute to the recordings, photos and Raagi information, please contact us.